Sunday, July 7, 2019

Day 2, First day of Long Range Traverse

A fabulous day of adventure, scenery an challenge!
Met Melanie and Hugo (Quebecois couple) at finishing point and shared a taxi to the start of our adventure. Easy 3km walk to ferry. Ferry took us to base of fjord we were to climb.  Wow!  Stunning views of fjords with waterfalls. Ferry dropped us off at the most spectacular part of the cruise.   A strenuous climb of 600m elevation over 4 km through scrub rewarded by a magnificent view at the top.  Hiked with 2 other groups, the Québécois couple and a group of 8 lawyers from US, England and Australia. Lucky to have superb weather.

Ferry Ride on Western Brook Pond

Lots of snow to hike through at the top.

Camp site on first night at Mark's Pond. Green toilet behind tents on and angle making for awkward position.
Start of hike.  Magnificent waterfall behind the boat. Aptly named Pissing Mare Falls 😏

Battling up the steep ascent.

Jack with 2 American lawyers hiking up the fjord.

View of Western Brook Pond from the summit.

Western Brook Pond ferry to LR6 (Mark’s Pond) Distance =13 km Elevation = 800 metres

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